B2B addresses international
For many years we have been engaging with leading providers of qualified addresses abroad. Considering variances of regional quality and availability, we offer B2B addresses from both across Europe and globally from financially active countries.
All data is available based on consistent selection criteria (sector, type of employee, managers). Our partners in the individual countries mainly include in their portfolio the medium and larger economically active companies that are known to drive marketing and economy.
You can filter for first-line or middle managers in many companies with even phone numbers and e-mail addresses being available. What makes the range extremely lucrative is the quality and a consistent price structure for all countries. You will also be surprised about the short delivery time.
Austria and Switzerland
In addition to the above mentioned addresses, we specialise in databases of our German-speaking neighbours:
Information taken from the trade register (start-ups, changes, deletions), daily updates, all publications, insolvency data (companies and individuals), database of deceased people (approx. 3,000 new entries per month/country)
Request a free offer here!