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Individually sourced addresses

Some products need more sophisticated marketing measures than an array of address lists. In those instances we start with the individual research and fine-tune the standard data entries provided.

We acquired for example data of senior residences offering top services for affluent seniors and didn’t only provide data off the shelf that (oftentimes promising too much) included the word senior residence in their company name.

This type of research might result in a limited number of potential addresses. However these results allow for a targeted and accurate address and guarantee a high success rate.

Individually sourced information

Customers addressing a very specific target group require individually sourced information.

An example here is a customer who wanted to offer his services as a personal coach to large companies via a high quality and customised mailing. We didn’t think the address data available on the market (e.g. “head of staff”, “managing director”) was sufficiently detailed. We then called the companies and managed to find out who specifically was in charge for career development/coaching. The enquiries by phone were performed by our trained and experienced sales team. We thereby didn’t only check for the name of the relevant person but also gave a heads-up on the subsequent mailing. The foundation for a successful mailing was laid.

  Contact us and let us know your requirements here!